
Tabnine Tabnine

Tabnine is a cutting-edge AI coding assistant that helps users to accelerate and simplify software development by automating the coding workflow through customizable AI tools.

Key Features

  • Code writer: Use Tabnine Chat to generate relevant code blocks tailored to your project’s needs
  • Code completion: Autocomplete lines of code or suggests complete functions
  • Code editing: Translate code from one programing language to another

Main Programming Languages

JavaScript, Typescript, Python, Java, C, C++, C#, Go, Php, Ruby, Kotlin/Dart, Rust, React/Vue, HTML 5, CSS, Lua

Pricing Structure

Free version available: Yes
Basic AI code completions

Pro: $12/month (billed monthly) free for 90 days
Includes AI code completion powered by advanced models, AI chat agents, personalized AI agents, code recommendations

Enterprise: $39/month (billed monthly)
Includes “Pro” features, plus SaaS or self-hosted (on-premises or VPC) available, AI chat agents personalized to your entire codebase, fine-tune models, priority support

Use Performance & Case Suitability

  • Developers can boost engineering velocity, code quality, and productivity using Tabnine’s advanced AI tools
  • Businesses searching for ways to boost productivity
  • Tabnine significantly increases productivity by accelerating software delivery, simplifying testing and maintenance, and taking care of routine tasks

Customization & Flexibility

  • Tabnine is context-aware and makes recommendations based on code and pattern of each individual users
  • AI agents are personalized based on the users’ codebase making the tool highly customizable

Data Handling & Privacy

  • SOC2 and GDPR compliant
  • Tabnine’s SaaS platform utilizes Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform to host their cloud-based capabilities
  • Code is not stored, shared, or used to train models
  • Tabnine is exclusively trained on permissively licensed open source repositories
  • Enterprise-grade security meeting key industry standards

Support & Documentation

  • Support available via email, automated chatbot, and direct message
  • Extensive documentation resources available featuring detailed explanations and video tutorials
  • Priority support for “Enterprise” users

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