
Custom Solution Available, Free Trial, Paid

K.Explorer is a state-of-the-art coding assistant used to understand and write better code.

Key Features

  • Code writer: Generate code based on reliable and proven code that complies with enterprise standards
  • Code completion: Autocomplete lines of code or suggests complete functions

Main Programming Languages

Java, Javascript, Typescript, C#

Pricing Structure

Free version available: Yes
Users can request a demo
The tool is mainly built for enterprises that require custom solutions

Use Performance & Case Suitability

  • Businesses searching for a highly customizable AI coding tool

Customization & Flexibility

  • Enterprises can contact the company for a customized product

Data Handling & Privacy

  • Extensive privacy policy
  • GDPR compliant

Support & Documentation

  • Support available via online form
  • Video-tutorials available

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