DALL-E 2 is a generative AI-based image generator created by OpenAI. It allows users to create art and realistic images based on natural language text prompts while seamlessly blending concepts, attributes, and styles.

Key Features

  • Image generator: Create artwork and realistic images using natural language text prompts
  • Outpainting: Create new compostitions by expanding images beyond their original canvas
  • Inpainting: DALL-E 2 can edit images by adding or removing elements and maintain the integrity of the original scene by taking shadows, reflections, and textures into account
  • Variations: Create different variations of an image

Pricing Structure

Free version available: No

Pay-as-you-go: Price is based on resolution and calculated per image
$0.020/image for 1024×1024
$0.018/image for 512×512
$0.016/image for 256×256

Use Performance & Case Suitability

  • Artists and art lovers searching for inspiration or possibilities to create digital art
  • Content creators can use DALL-E 2 to generate original and realistic images for social media posts, advertisements, and other promotional materials

Customization & Flexibility

  • Images are highly customizable through text prompts

Data Handling & Privacy

  • Users have full ownership of their creations
  • Their comprehensive privacy policy ensures an extensive commitment to safeguarding user data and confidentiality
  • SOC 2 compliant
  • Models are not trained on user data
  • Users control how long their data is retained

Support & Documentation

  • Discord server available
  • OpenAI help center with documentation resources and explanations

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